About Blake Leadership Training
To Our Clients
Blake Leadership Training will provide high quality, powerful, business-forward training to give you, our Client, the skills and knowledge you require to improve yourself and your business. As a Team, we will accomplish this through combining cutting-edge business and training standards to exceed your expectations in areas such as: communication, teamwork, influencing, decision-making, productivity, time management, and much more. If our standard programs do not meet your current needs, our dedicated Team will create custom content to match your needs and bring your business to the next level.
To Our Employees
We are committed to provide each Employee with a stable work environment and personal growth. Each Employee will be encouraged to share their unique and special talents, as well as their ideas and opinions, for the betterment of the entire team. Above all else, our Employees are members of our Family. They will be treated with the same respect and care we offer any of our Clients.
Our Story
Blake Leadership Training was founded on a real desire to change the world around us. It is our belief that, through leadership training, we can improve the lives of our Clients, change their businesses, and in turn, create a better world. Hunter Blake, our Founder and CEO, began Blake Leadership Training with a unique vision of how training should be accomplished in business.
After two decades of training employees using someone else’s standards, Hunter found that the days of boring lectures and death by PowerPoint are long gone! Participants don’t enjoy those types of classes, and that has a huge impact on their ability to learn. At the speed of business today, our Clients don’t have the time to sit and be “talked at” in a class. However, most business training is still stuck in those same old ways.
Our solution is to create exclusive workshops that bring both impactful learning and hands on experiential activities together in an environment of fun problem solving and deep business knowledge. The results are explosive! Not only do our Participants gain the information and skills needed, but they have a blast doing it! It is this approach that makes Blake Leadership Training so different than the rest of our field.
Isn’t it time you had some fun learning how to be the best in your field?
Browse our catalog of workshops or contact us to create a custom training to fit your needs.

What’s with the Crazy Capitalization
As you read through our site, you will find certain works capitalized that normally would not in most context. They are words such as client, team, employee, and participant. These are important words to us at Blake Leadership Training, so we treat them that way! It is our belief that our thoughts and words control our actions. In that light, we capitalize the things that mean the most to us as a reminder of their importance. It might drive our old English professors crazy, but it proves our dedication to the People we do business with on a daily basis!